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Failing schools fail families. Jasmine believes the zip code a family lives in should not determine the school a child must go to. In our current broken education system, parents are forced to enroll their children in bad and dangerous schools. This is wrong, and Jasmine understands this all too well: As a committed parent, she had to uproot her family to get out of a failing school district to give her child a better chance for success. Parents deserve a voice in their children’s education.

Jasmine believes in funding students—not systems. Education dollars should follow all Pennsylvania students to the school of their choice. Lifeline scholarships, for example, directly fund students, allowing them to choose the education and school that best fits their needs. A large majority of Pennsylvania parents support expanding access to educational opportunities to all students. Governor Shapiro campaigned on this issue and promptly reversed his position after being elected. Jasmine will hold the governor accountable to his campaign promise of including Lifeline scholarships in his state budget.

As someone who works with her hands, Jasmine understands the value of and will advocate for increased opportunities for vocational training. There’s a great demand for jobs that require practical knowledge and technical skills. These jobs offer a solid income and the job security sought by both businesses and households.


Pennsylvania’s property tax system is outdated, unfair and in need of reform. Unfunded state mandates, coupled with rising healthcare costs and pension benefits in our school systems, have led to steady tax increases at the local level. These taxes especially hurt seniors, low- and middle-income families and local economies. It’s time for a change. To put taxpayers first, Jasmine will work to eliminate school property taxes. To ensure continuity in school funding, a mix of income taxes, sales taxes and other sources of revenue would be employed. This approach is fairer, particularly for seniors on fixed incomes who are having trouble keeping up with rapidly increasing school property taxes. Currently, school property taxes are a significant burden on homeowners and renters alike.


Jasmine knows the difficulties facing a small business owner in Pennsylvania. She lives it every day, running her own auto repair business and dealing with onerous taxes and regulations—policies that restrict growth and make the commonwealth less competitive.

Young people are leaving Pennsylvania in record numbers for states offering better opportunities, causing Pennsylvania to become older each year. Our state corporate net income tax rate is currently the fifth-highest in the nation. A recent House bill proposed by Democrats would quadruple taxes on small businesses, making it nearly impossible to start a business in the commonwealth. Jaz is committed to opposing polices that hurt small business growth and, instead, promote policies that shrink the size, spending and control of government. An easy first step is to drastically reduce our regulatory burden. Jasmine believes government should help encourage people to start their own business, not get in their way.


York City has one of the highest crime rates in the country. Crime infests our community, impacting families and businesses alike. To be sure, there is great need for law enforcement and correctional resources to combat violent offenders. However, too many laws that trap people in lesser offenses and technical violations hurt individuals and, perhaps more importantly, families. When faced with no opportunities for success, an individual is far more likely to wind up back in jail. Jasmine believes we can be both tough and smart on crime.

She supports pragmatic criminal justice reform that addresses the revolving door of crime by promoting jobs, mentorships and job training, probation reform and personal accountability.


No issue divides the country like abortion. Positions on both sides elicit strong emotions and heartful opinions. This begs the question, is it possible to bring people closer together? Jasmine believes there is room for middle ground. Currently in Pennsylvania unborn babies can be aborted—on demand—until six months. Jasmine’s belief is that abortion should be allowed up to three months with exceptions beyond that only to protect the life of the mother and to address unviable pregnancies. Her position strikes a balance between honoring and protecting life and empathizing with women in difficult situations, as well as respecting the diverse range of opinions on this issue.

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